Support Forums

Welcome to Northeme Support Center & Knowledgebase. Theme support covers installation & getting setup, trouble with using theme features and bug fixes. Our goal is to reply your questions within one business day.

WP THEMES Reframe Plus
WordPress theme support questions

  • Restore the scroll position when browser back button is clicked

    Hello, When navigating through my portfolio and then pressing the back button you are always returned to the top of the page. This is not great because then one has to scroll...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Gallery in photo album issue

    Hello, after recent updates images in galleries are not shown organized. They are all in new "line". But only when opening website-album webpage. When editing, it looks OK. Blog posts look OK...

  • Margin on Right of Blog Posts

    Hi Mert, Long story, but I am pretty sure I have done something on my end. I cannot understand why I now have such a wide (and empty) margin on the right...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Mobile menu

    Hi, I have a question about the navigation menu I have used in this website: As you can see the navigation is a dropdown menu with three levels. But this menu...

    Bug report
  • PHP 8 compatability

    High my service provider is aksing me to upgrade the PHP I've set it to 7.4 however there's an option for PHP 8. Is the theme compatible with PHP 8?

    Setup / Installation
  • Menu bar doesn´t appear like original theme shows

    Hi, I'm writing to you to ask you if you could please helpe to set the menu bar upper as possible like theme reframe plus shows in demo, please see the image...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Demo Installation Failure

    Hello, After installing the bundled plugins and increasing the memory limit I am stil unable to install the demo properly. I disabled rest of the plugins but the bundled ones. The requirements...

    Setup / Installation
  • Menu is not visible on mobile

    Hello Mobile menu on front page is visible only if I logged as an admin. Otherwise is not visible. I tried also on IPad with different browsers but does not work. This...

    Bug report
  • single row menu doesn't work

    Hi Mert, first of all, thx for the nice theme** I need help with "the single row menu", it doesn't work. In the theme options I have chosen "Full Width - Single...

  • Sliders: newest first + fill 'Image Caption' with filename (without extension)

    Hello Mert, It would be so helpful to have the newest images first, so we do not have to re-arrange all the images in a gallery slider by drag+drop. Also, why I...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Hierarchy of permalinks

    Hello there! I have two custom post type; one that is my art portfolio and another that is a larger art project that I am doing. Both art nested inside the overarching...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Images being scaled automatically

    Hi, Whenever I try to upload an image, it is automatically scaled, and the original image won't be displayed. For instance, if I have an image that is 1MB, it will automatically...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Body Border - Can't hide it in shop page

    Hello, I've set the Body Border of some pages back to default (hidden). But somehow the Shop page doesn't follow... I need the body border to be hidden on this page too...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Edit Page Link Missing in WooCommerce Shop

    Hi Mert, I do not have an 'Edit Page' link in my admin bar on my WooCommerce shop page. I understand that may mean I do not have administrator access to that...

    Bug report
  • Space in the "works" page

    there is a big white space in the "works" page, above the actual thumbnails for works. Is that a glitch or is there a way of getting rid of this? Recently updated...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Can't add new campaign

    Trying to add a new campaign - never had a problem before, but when we click on the "INSERT" button nothing happens. In fact when we click on other things like "UPLOAD"...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Product Gallery images

    Inside any product page, there is the 1st product image showed 2 times in the Gallery thumbs (left side of the main image in every product). You can check it here:

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Single Product Page Image does not show

    In "Theme Options >> Shop/Woocommerce >> Layout Tab >> Single Product Page" when I choose "Gallery" from Product Images, the main image does not show in the mobile version of my site....

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • WordPress 5.6

    Hi Mert, I made an update for WordPress 5.6. The website was running ok but there was a problem with the main website, where I have slides with Slider Rev. As to...

    Bug report
  • WordPress 5.5.1 Breaks Site - broken after update - all themes and plugins are the latest version

    Bug report
  • Grid Animation/ Transition Not Working

    Hello The portfolio grid transition between categories isnt working for me despite the the Disable Grid animation being definitely turned off. Im sure this is an easy fix but id be grateful...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Blurred images in woocommerce

    Hello, I'am trying to install a shop with Woocommerce plugin, but I have difficulties with my images: they appear blurred. I've read about checking their sizes in: WooCommerce > Settings > Products...

  • duplicate a slider (northeme-sliders)

    Hi! It would be very helpful if I could duplicate northeme-sliders, would that be a feature you could kindly add? Thanks, Matthias

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Hide Navigation Arrows not working

    Hi, I'm not sure why, but no matters what, the navigation arrows stay visible in the single product page. I did enable "Hide Navigation Arrows" in theme settings, but I can still...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Video behaviour as project featured image

    Hi, I'm trying to make my home page lighter, but I really want to use a couple of .gif as featured images for some projects. I tried all the possible compression, but...

    Trouble using a theme feature


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