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WP THEMES Reframe Plus
WordPress theme support questions

  • Instagram ?

    Hi I need to add a social media instagram button to reframe plus, how do I do this ? I saw in the FAQ that I can use my license code for...

    Setup / Installation
  • Thumbnail in phone / tablet

    Hi Mert, I have a problem, as I see thumbnail of works in the portfolio, on phone / tablet text "Excerpt", you should see in the thumbnail in "Overlay", but appears under...

  • Old single posts to custom one.

    Hi, i'm thinking if it's a posibility of exporting all single posts & categories from my old blog to new Custom Post with Northeme, to improve posts options. Can you throw some...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Contact form doesn't send email

    Hello, I'm testing my contact form: And althouh it shows a response as if email had been sent, it is not. I have checked my spam folder and there is nothing...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Translations

    Hi Mert, I was using plugin "loco-translate" with the child theme, everything worked well, now after updates does not work anymore, I have this message: "No string to translate found. The PO...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Child Theme usage for Reframe Plus

    Hi, I upgraded to Reframe Plus and I am very happy with its features so far. Its release timing was also perfect on my end. My question is, should I use a...

    Setup / Installation
  • URL links missing in Reframe Plus

    I have been using reframe for long and appreciate its slider that can add URL links to images. Is this function missing in reframe plus? If it is the case please fix...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Video on regular slider not working

    Hi Mert, It looks like background slider is the only slider that actually plays video files as a slide. When trying the same files (MP4 OGV ect..) for the regular slider I...

    Bug report
  • Backend Saving Issues

    Having major issues with lag time / indefinite load times while trying to 'Save Changes' while editing backend features. Also having problems while editing posts. This happens on a range of pages,...

  • Problem with 3 one third columns - columns are not the same width

    Hello Mert, I am using Reframe Plus. On several pages I am using the shortcut for columns creating 3 one third columns next to each other. As long as these are filled...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • reframe plus backend menu not working

    Hello, I am working with Reframe Plus and since yesterday I have a big problem using the Northeme menue within wordpress. It doesn't show me any options. For example I go to...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • background image maintenance mode bug

    The background image in maintenance mode displays correct in the preview as fullscreen but at the frontend the image displays as 150 x 150 px tiles. Please fix as soon as possible!...

    Bug report
  • Adding a text to category page

    Can i write a brief description to a category page over the appearing thumbnails?

  • translations

    Hi Mert, update always very helpful, thanks. With the upgrade of Reframe Plus you lose the translations made with the Plugin "Loco traslate", as you can do to keep the translations of...

  • Image size in posts to big

    Hello, the images in new posts are to big in Firefox Older Posts from Reframe Displaying correctly. Can i fix this Problem with custom CSS? Many thanks!

    Bug report
  • gallery thumbnails

    Hi Mert, Is it possible to remove the thumbnails beneath a gallery within a page?? I'm sure I'm just missing something. Thanks, Mathew (PS Great theme!)

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Test Reframe Plus

    Hi Mert, I upgraded to Reframe Plus, now I'm doing some tests, good work is really great work done, the dashboard is very easy and complete, congratulations. here is the link of...

    Bug report
  • Logo URL

    Though I remember there being an option in the old Reframe for specifying where the logo points, having trouble finding that setting in the new Reframe (Plus). Basically just want to point...

    Setup / Installation
  • Lightbox won't show Image Caption

    I set up a homepage slider with some pictures, all with image caption filled in. The captions are showing up in the homepage gallery-slider, but the not in the lightbox, where instead...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • reframe plus- menu hover, blog, and footer.

    Hello Mert, I Really enjoy using new reframe theme. Great work ! I came across few little things, would be great to get fixed. 1. When using reframe plus in Full Frame...

    Trouble using a theme feature
  • Upgrading to Reframe Plus

    Reframe I purchased for my portfilo because it has unique features and minimalist, now the Demo Reframe Plus, I think it's changed a lot: - It eliminated the frame? - The navigation...

  • Upgrading to Reframe Plus when using a legacy Reframe Child Theme

    Hi there, If I upgrade to Reframe Plus, can I still use my old child theme from the paid version of Reframe? What is the easiest, most seamless way to upgrade without...



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