Today, V2.2 is available and it brings cool new features, improvements and bug fixes for our premium themes.
The most remarkable new feature is a brand new lightbox plugin, Lightgallery, which is lightweight and quite handy lightbox for images, videos and galleries. Before, Magnific Popup lightbox plugin was being used for premium themes and Lightgallery is a new addition as a user friendly, slick alternative. Most importantly, it provides support for embed videos and image zoom in feature.
Lightgallery is activated by default but if you prefer stick to Magnific Popup, you can activate it from Northeme > Lightbox Settings at your WP dashboard.

Here are the features of Lightgallery :
- Embed video support
- Touchswipe and Mousedrag activated
- Zoom in / out buttons
- Optional thumbnails (w/ center or left alignment options)
- Slide animations
- Fullscreen button
See lightbox demo here (click on an image to activate lightbox) :
Full List of V2.2 Updates
The list below shows common changes for Workality Plus, Reframe Plus and Centreal Plus. Madrigal V2.2 is coming this week :
- NEW FEATURE : Lightgallery Lightbox Plugin added! Now Lightgallery or Magnific Popup can be used as lighbox.
- NEW FEATURE : Visual Composer Element : “HTML5 / Embed Videos” Add html5 videos or video URLs from 3rd party video providers (Vimeo, Youtube) to your page
- New options added for Lightgallery at Northeme > Lightbox Settings : Disable Zoom, Disable Counter, Disable Fullscreen, Disable Loop
- Northeme > General Settings > Page Title Separator for HTML title of built-in SEO plugin
- New navigation arrows type for sliders & galleries : Northeme > Slider & Gallery Settings > Arrow Types
- Northeme > Fonts > Font Styling > Footer Text option added for footer text styling
- Demo importer error handling scripts added
- Northeme > Fonts > Font Types > @fontface activated according to new CSS3 guidelines. Uploading .woff and .woff2 files suffice to add a new font. (it’s highly recommended to update your fonts by uploading .woff2 if you’re using @fontface)
- Social icons BG option added to Northeme > Post Sharing & Social
- Media in order to display icons over a circle BG.
- Social media icon list option added to Post Sharing to select basic social media icons from select box.
- Official sharing buttons options added to Northeme > Post Sharing & Social Media. If activated, official sharing buttons will appear instead of icons
- Font Awesome updated to the latest (V4.6.3)
- Image DB queries reduced for better performance
- Breadcrumbs duplicate fix
- Password protected page fixes
- Input placeholder text color CSS fix
- Minor responsive CSS fixes for grid layout
You can automatically update your theme from Northeme > Theme Update at your WP dashboard. As for installing manually, download the latest version from My Account page on northeme.com.