Its center align clean design empowered with Northeme Framework features such as custom post type manager, grid layout manager, customs skins and more (see Common Features on Centreal Plus page). Also Centreal Plus comes with Woocommerce support. You can build your online store and start selling your products!
The most distinctive feature of Centreal Plus is brand new Cover Page template that allows to build simple yet beautiful landing pages for your website. You’re in charge to manage page content through content editor along with logo and social media icons at top and bottom of the page. Moreover, since Cover Page is offered as a page template, you can use it in a more creative way to build multiple pages, manage them separately and create full page galleries.
Upcoming Themes and Improvements
As you know, Centreal Plus, Reframe Plus and Workality Plus are revamped and improved versions of our legacy products : Workality Premium, Centreal and Reframe.
Naturally, that brings us the ultimate question : what’s next?
Although design features can be seen as the only major improvements at a glance, the real challenge was to create a new rock-solid, intuitive framework that offers the best modification options would meet the expectations of wide range of users. Unsurprisingly we had a few glitches at early launch stage but now it all seems good and it’s great to have another happy customer feedback every day. Soon, real world websites built with our themes and testimonials will be added to our website.
So far, integrating the legacy themes to new theme line was the hardest task to achieve. But it’s done and obviously we’re just at the beginning of the new phase for Northeme. There are already several ideas and wireframes for new themes. We’ll share sneak peaks and screenshots soon. The plan is to release at least one more theme before Christmas and speed up the process of building more.
As of now, getting more feedback and improving theme features is the first priority in order to provide best experience for everyone. Because all themes are using the main back-end features of Northeme Framework and improving it is the key for building new solid themes while keeping current themes up-to-date.
More updates are coming, stay tuned!