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How can I add attributes to products and use those to filter specific information.

Case ID #3441   -   Setup / Installation


Now i use the categories automatic filter for projects and work fine for first approach!
But, for better use results on my site (custom post types = projects) i need to add more data information so i can filter later and obtain a combined final result of projects.

Example: My garden project
Categories=my garden trees; shrubs; herbs
Sunlight=full sun; partial shade; shade
Foliage=evergreen; deciduous
Multi-filter: My shrubs + full sun + deciduous
I have read some things about woocommerce. They use products attributes with variables…

Can we add or do some thing like that on custom post types = projects? Or in other way and get similar result?

Thanks a lot!ng simples like woocommerce products attributs that ca

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