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Case ID #5633   -   Trouble using a theme feature

Hi. It could be personal error, but I am having an impossible time trying to locate the elements I have supposedly saved, and I cannot find any info from Visual Composer other than the standard how to save and how to retrieve elements. When I go to the “add elements”, there is no tab for “my elements” as explained in the instructions. Please help if you can. If there is another way (other than WPBakery) to save elements in your theme, I would very much appreciate your input. It is taking my way to long to input all this stuff individually page by page. WPBakery severely slows my already slow internet, and well, frankly, I am losing my mind. 🙂
So again, thanks in advance. I love your themes, but I am not sure how I feel about the Visual Composer, and I REALLY need to be able to save elements to reuse.

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