Canvas Series

Illustration, Print

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mauris ante, molestie a fermentum non, convallis ac tortor. Ut eget metus ac velit convallis mollis. Maecenas eget luctus odio. Aenean vestibulum lectus sit amet eros tempor tincidunt. Etiam congue hendrerit augue, nec porttitor mauris mollis sit amet.

Several posters created for Lacoste by Mike Lemanski


Theme Options

Here are some theme options.
Adjust settings and click Save Changes.

Revert changes and go back to defaults

Skins & Colors

Theme also offers “custom” option

Header & Menu

Layout Options

Single Blog Layout

Single Works Layout


Try with Google Fonts

Type in a Google Fonts name to change body and header fonts.
Leave empty for default fonts