Workality LitePortfolio / Works


The Works post type comes with your theme to build a portfolio.

In order to list Works posts, you need to create a posts listing page. If you haven’t done so yet, add a new page with the Works Template under Pages.

Works can be found right below Posts in your dashboard.

Use the Add New Project button to create a new project. Categories are a dedicated taxonomy for the portfolio.


Add New Project

To create a new project, go to Add New Project and set a title for your project.


The Add/Edit Project page offers an exclusive meta box called Composition (Media).

You can use the visual editor to build content, but the Composition section is designed to make adding, reordering, and arranging project assets easier. You can add images and videos by clicking the respective buttons.

Workality Plus (premium version) also provides a text element and allows you to rearrange composition assets using various column settings and a lightbox option.


Set a featured image to display the post thumbnail on the Works posts listing page.

Workality Plus (premium version) also offers additional options for featured images, such as embed video, slider, SVG/Animated GIF, and hover image.