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Works by LA based Media Artist Refik Anadol

A/V Performance


Epiphaneia* is an audio/visual performance project by Can Buyukberber in collaboration with artist Refik Anadol, commissioned for 1st edition of International Digital Arts Biennial (BIAN).

Epiphaneia (from the ancient Greek, manifestation, striking appearance of divine being) allegorically analyzes the sensation of epiphany, the eureka moment that enables the process of innovation and focuses on the manifestation of virtual world in a designated physical space. An epiphany is the sudden comprehension of bigger picture, a new network of neurons firing in sync with each other inside a human brain.It’s a new pattern that has never formed before. In this case Epiphaneia project creates a gate between virtual and physical that defines a new pattern upon cityscape canvas.

Basar Yurtcu | Sound Designer / Can Buyukberber | A/V Artist / Kerim Karaoglu | Sound Designer / Sebastian Neitsch | A/V Artist

Infinity Room

‘Infinity’ is an immersive environment project by Refik Anadol. Project is an integral part of artist’s ongoing ‘Temporary Immersive Environment Experiments’ which is a research on audio/visual installations by using the state called immersion which is the state of consciousness where an immersant’s awareness of physical self is transformed by being surrounded in an engrossing environment; often artificial, creating a perception of presence in a non-physical world.

In this project ‘infinity’ chosen as a concept,a radical effort to deconstruct the framework of this illusory space and transgress the normal boundaries of the viewing experience to set out to transform the conventional flat cinema projection screen into a three dimensional kinetic and architectonic space of visualisation by using contemporary algorithms.


Working at the forefront of digital art, Refik Anadol is known for projecting dynamic images onto public buildings around the world. Exploring the ephemeral nature of space, he creates new spaces with light and morphing surface planes. As a result, his work suggests that perhaps all spaces and facades have the potential to be used as artist canvases. His other mediums include live audio/visual performance, immersive installations and architectural photography.

Anadol’s exhibition at RH Contemporary Art, entitled Cavity, is based on geodes, the round rock formations that often contain sparking crystals. By using algorithms and advanced 3D modelling techniques, he will explore different geological realities, both physical and virtual.

Virtual Depictions : San Francisco

Public art commission for 350 Mission Building in City of San Francisco.

‘Virtual Depictions:San Francisco’ which is a series of data sculptures that tell the story of the city and people around us within a unique artistic approach for 350 Mission’s media wall in collaboration with Kilroy Realty Corporation / John Kilroy and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP Architects.

When creating this public artwork my goal was to make the invisible visible by embedding media arts into architecture meticulously and to create a new way to experience a living architectural space in 21st century.

Peripheral [TIEE]

‘Temporary Immersive Environment Experiments’ is a research on audio/visual installations by using the state called immersion which is the state of consciousness where an immersant’s awareness of physical self is transformed by being surrounded in an engrossing environment; often artificial, creating a perception of presence in a non-physical world.

In this first experiment peripheral vision that produced by stimuli falling on areas of the retina distant from the macula will be used as a concept. Light is the major element in the experiment, used to blur and interconnect the boundaries between the two realms actual/fictional and physical/virtual. It signifies the threshold between the simulacrum space created by the projection technology, and the physical space where the viewer stands.


Projects below are being displayed with Larger View option

Pinakothek Der Moderne

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Morbi hendrerit ex purus, sollicitudin egestas nibh iaculis convallis. Fusce aliquam pulvinar pretium. Nunc ac facilisis leo. Ut a pharetra ipsum. Donec commodo sapien sem, rhoncus consectetur diam feugiat blandit. Curabitur vitae dui ligula. Curabitur nec hendrerit massa. Duis nec blandit odio, non imperdiet enim. Nullam in sem viverra, scelerisque sem nec, varius mi. Phasellus egestas mattis neque sit amet condimentum. Curabitur vulputate porta nisl, eu lacinia dui pharetra id. Ut ut dolor a lectus bibendum mollis ac eget orci. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque a sem lectus.

Juedisches Museum

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam tortor tellus, ornare in porttitor ac, eleifend et est. Fusce vel cursus odio. Donec vulputate sagittis est, viverra iaculis lacus vehicula quis. Integer id ligula ut urna luctus vulputate. Pellentesque fringilla consectetur ante vitae hendrerit. Phasellus lobortis nisi eu quam sollicitudin, eu semper erat elementum. Integer laoreet, ante quis porttitor facilisis, erat tortor luctus nunc, sit amet ultricies orci ligula non justo. Vestibulum a ex non risus consectetur eleifend. Proin quis dolor vel ipsum ultrices faucibus. Sed condimentum rutrum quam quis pretium.

Ut at tempor massa. Donec eget sem nec nulla pulvinar fermentum quis ut massa. Sed viverra volutpat efficitur. Vestibulum vitae nibh purus. Integer tincidunt ac arcu in consequat. Maecenas nisi massa, lobortis ut imperdiet sit amet, accumsan ut nisl.

Ars Electronica Center

BMW Welt


Let's work together!

Currently I’m available for new project opportunities.
Contact me for your next project and let’s discuss the details!

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