Workality PlusTranslation / Multi-Language

Translation / Multi-Language

Your theme is ready to translate. Default language files are located in the languages folder inside the theme folder. We highly recommend using a child theme and copying the languages folder into the child theme directory. Using a child theme is required to maintain your changes after theme updates. See Child Theme & Customizations section of this documentation.

To activate the new language, rename the language files with the WordPress Locale code (e.g., fr_FR.po and Then, change the Site Language setting in Settings > General to your language and set the WP_LANG code in the wp-config.php file:

define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');

To translate default language files, you should use a third-party editor. POEdit is a popular and free option to edit .po / .mo files:

For an on-site solution, Loco Translate WordPress Plugin is a great option to translate the theme directly from your dashboard instead of working with language files:
Loco Translate Plugin

Multilingual Plugins

Our themes are fully compatible with the WPML multilingual plugin.


WPML is one of the most popular WP multi-language plugins and can be downloaded from the WPML website:
WPML Website

By default, all posts and pages are available to translate and no further action is required. For custom post types and specific fields:

  • Custom Post Types: Portfolio and other custom post types created from Northeme > Appearance > Custom Post Types must be activated first. Go to WPML > Translation Options and select “Translate” for the post types and taxonomies under the Custom Posts and Custom Taxonomies sections.
  • Translating Fields: If you wish to translate fields such as Tagline, Footer Text located under the Northeme menu at your WP dashboard, you need to use shortcodes. Your theme offers WPML translation shortcodes – [wpml_translate] – to add multiple translations into those fields.

For example:

[nor_translate lang='en']English Footer Text[/nor_translate] [nor_translate
lang='es']Spanish Footer Text[/nor_translate]