SveaChild Theme

Child Theme & Customization


Never modify theme files directly. Always use a child theme to make modifications on theme files to maintain the changes after theme updates.

Unfortunately we cannot offer support for customizations. Theme issues caused due to customizations are out of the scope for theme support.

Northeme Framework offers a section for adding custom CSS and Scripts at Northeme > Theme Options > Custom CSS & Scripts.

You can add custom styling rules into Custom CSS to override default theme stylings. Although we offer extensive modifications features at Northeme > Theme Options, it may help for further modifications. You can use Google Chrome’s Inspect Element feature to find out specific classes.

Also, you can install and use the CSS modification plugin, SiteOrigin CSS:

Custom Scripts field is offered in order to add scripts into the head tag. That allows you to include any 3rd party or your own scripts to the page:

Northeme > Theme Options > Custom CSS & Scripts > Custom Scripts
/* Typekit import */
<script src="//"></script>
/* Including your custom JS or CSS files without using a child theme */
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/my_css_file.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/my_js_file.js"></script>

Using a Child Theme

Download the blank child theme template from the My Account section on and upload it into the wp-content/themes folder. Before activating it, make sure that you’ve made the following changes:

Child themes cannot work without a parent theme. For example, if you want to install a child theme for Workality Plus, the Workality Plus theme must be located in the wp-content/themes folder.

Since child themes are dependent on a parent theme, you’re supposed to declare the parent theme folder name in the child theme’s style.css file.

Check out the following example:

The default child theme style.css file content should look as follows. Make sure that the Template value points to the parent theme folder name (e.g., workality-plus-master or reframe-plus-master, etc.):

Theme Name: Workality Child Theme
Theme URI:
Description: Child Theme for Workality Theme
Template: workality-plus-master
Version: 0.1.0